
Kaytlin's Adventures in The Land Before Time P4

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In a fresh water pond, beneath the surface, there stood a bed of pebbles, rocks and small sticks. But amongst these was something splashing into the water, looking for food. It was a small creature and it was looking for food, when it spotted something nearby on a rock, above water. Curious, it swam towards the rock, seeing an outline of a sad creature, barely making a move. Above water, Littlefoot lay on the rock, looking into the water, still depressed over losing his mother. Kaytlin and Shine sat nearby, with Shine still comforting Kaytlin and caressing her gently. Kaytlin was still sad about Kyle while Shine, despite offering her best of care and compassion, was missing her fellow singers and the others too. Suddenly, the water creature hopped out of the water and landed right below Littlefoot. It was a small, young Saurolophus, and she smiled at the Apatosaurus. “Hello,” she said happily, only to get no response, “I said hello.”

Kaytlin and Shine slowly turned and noticed the duckbill trying to talk to Littlefoot. A tear ran down Littlefoot’s face and landed in the water. “What is your name,” asked the duckbill before gasping, “maybe you cannot talk yet. Huh? Huh?”

Finally, Littlefoot spoke up. “Don’t you know anything? Longnecks don’t talk to…whatever you are,” he said sadly as he got to his feet, recalling Cera’s harsh words from earlier.

“Wait, w-what about us,” asked Kaytlin, shocked that Littlefoot wasn’t acknowledging her or Shine.

“Me? I have a long neck too. See,” the duckbill said as she tried stretching out her neck and tail, “and I have long tail like you.”

She stretched them both out as long as she could, getting tired in the process, while Littlefoot looked at her, not buying her words. Shine on the other hand found her antics adorable, and she giggled. “You silly,” she muttered.

“Alright,” said the duckbill sadly, giving up, “I’m not a longneck. I’m a bigmouth. But I am all alone. I am.”

She sniffled, recalling that fact as Shine, feeling sorry for her, said, “you are? Why’s that?”

“I lost my family in the big earthshake.”

This made Kaytlin feel bad for her as well. “Gosh…I’m so sorry about that,” she said, “I…lost a good friend of mine too…and I don’t know if he’ll be coming back.”

Shine comforted Kaytlin once more as Littlefoot, feeling bad for the duckbill too, and seeing her as open and willing to socialize, unlike Cera, turned to her again. “Um…you wanna go with us,” he asked.

“YES,” exclaimed the duckbill excitedly before quickly calming down and chuckling, “oh yes, yes, yes. I do. I do.”

Littlefoot chuckled before saying, “alright. Come on,” as he prepared to set off again, “but you’ll have to keep up.”

“I will keep up. I will,” replied the duckbill before humming a little.

Littlefoot jumped into the shallow pond, Kaytlin and Shine right behind him. “Where are we going,” asked the duckbill.

“To the Great Valley,” said Littlefoot, “I’m not gonna stop until I find my grandparents.”

“And we have our friends who should be going there too,” said Shine, “come on. The more the merrier.”

The duckbill jumped into the pond and swam after the group. As they walked onto dry land again, underneath the dry swamp, the duckbill asked, “uh, do you think my family went to the Great Valley too? Huh?”

“Hmm, maybe,” pondered Littlefoot, “my mother said it’s where all the herd’s are going.”

“Oh I hope, I hope, I hope.”

“Yeah…me too,” said Kaytlin, thinking about her friends, before turning to the little duckbill upon realizing she was wanting to be friends, “I’m Kaytlin by the way.”

“And I’m Shine,” added Shine.

“My name’s Littlefoot,” said Littlefoot.

“Mine is Ducky,” said the duckbill, “yep. That is what it is. Yep, yep, yep!”

As the group continued their journey, Littlefoot, now feeling better and slowly getting out of his depression with Ducky’s kindness and innocence, started hopping around the cracks on the ground below them. Ducky did the same, singing a little scat song while doing so. Ducky’s energy and kindness, as well as seeing her and Littlefoot play, started making Kaytlin feel better. It was nice of her to see another dinosaur open and social with others of different species. “Dee dee dee da do,” Ducky scat sang, “doo doo, da da da do! Da da dee da do! Da da da dee da do!”

Ducky’s singing and energy amused the others. Littlefoot laughed as she hopped underneath him, happy to have someone to play with. “Don’t step on a crack, or you’ll fall and break your back,” said Ducky happily.

Everyone chuckled as they kept hopping along. Suddenly, Ducky’s stomach started to rumble. She chuckled before saying, “my stomach is talking.”

“Mine too,” said Littlefoot, feeling hungry as well.

“You know, I’m hungry too,” said Kaytlin, “I haven’t eaten anything in a while actually.

“Hmm…I wonder what this tastes like,” said Littlefoot as he looked at a nearby dry branch before grabbing it with his teeth, trying to pull it off.

Upon pulling the branch though, everyone heard a screech. This took everyone else by surprise as Littlefoot tried pulling the branch off. “Uh…call me crazy, but I think that tree is talking,” said Kaytlin.

“No it isn’t,” replied Littlefoot.

“You should not eat talking trees, nope, nope nope,” said Ducky innocently.

Shine and Kaytlin chuckled over Ducky’s words as Littlefoot pulled extra hard. In doing so, this caused something to roll out of a nearby tree and roll down the branch. It screamed before reaching Littlefoot’s snout. Littlefoot, seeing the small creature nervously grin at him, panicked and screamed, letting go of the branch in doing so. This sent the creature flying into the air as Ducky hid underneath Littlefoot. Kaytlin swiftly held onto Shine in fright as the screaming creature plummeted back to the ground, crashing right through one of the tiles in the cracked ground. All was quiet once again, but Kaytlin remained worried. “What was it,” she asked, “what was it?”

“Easy, easy, Kaytlin, it’s alright,” said Shine, before looking at the spot where the creature landed.

Curious, Ducky walked over to the spot and saw the creature recovering. It was a tiny Pteranodon, about Ducky’s height, and upon seeing Ducky, he got a little wary. “Who are you,” asked Ducky, “huh?”

“M-M-My name Petrie,” replied the shy Pteranodon.

Ducky chuckled as Petrie climbed out of the hole and saw everyone else looking at him. “Petrie, huh. Funny name,” chuckled Ducky.

“I…I, I flied,” asked Petrie.

“No…you falled,” replied Ducky.

“I falled,” cried Petrie, despairing.

“Aw, poor thing,” said Shine, “you’re not hurt though, are you?”

“No, me not hurt,” said Petrie, still sad, “but me no fly either.”

“You cannot fly,” asked Ducky before pointing towards the tree, “but how did you get way up there?”

“I climb,” replied Petrie.

“But you are a flyer,” said Littlefoot, “not a faller.”

“Hard thing to fly,” said Petrie as he prepared himself and tried to fly.

He managed to jump up and start flapping his wings, only to get panicky and slowly land on the ground again. “I guess it is,” chuckled Littlefoot, “we can’t do it.”

“Nope. We cannot do that alright,” chuckled Ducky, finding Petrie’s antics cute.

“Well…yeah,” said Kaytlin, agreeing with them, “that’s one thing with being an otter. I can’t fly either.”

“Otter,” asked Petrie, “me never seen…your kind before.”

“Me neither,” added Ducky, “what are you like? Huh? Huh?”


“We can explain on the way,” said Shine, “there’s a lot more about us than you think.”

Meanwhile, as Littlefoot, Kaytlin and Shine resumed their journey, with Ducky and Petrie by their side, someone else was having her own little adventure. Now exploring the deep underground, Cera was trying to find her way back to her family. This was not going easy like she thought, for these caves were hard to navigate and she didn’t know what was down here. As she travelled, she spotted something just near the edge of a cliff. She curiously approached it, but it was something she had never seen before. It was a strange looking ship that looked like it had gone through something nasty. It was dirty, had countless scratches and marks on its surface, and the glass dome was broken. Small electric sparks popped out from the damaged wings. Nearby, there was a path of footprints leading off in the opposite direction. Having no idea what this was, but no longer caring, she carried on with her journey.

Deeper into her journey, she jumped onto another surface as she gazed upon her surroundings, trying to find out how to get out of there. Some lights shimmered from above as Cera, lost and confused, gazed upon them before losing her footing and sliding down what looked like a hill. Upon reaching the bottom though, she discovered that it wasn’t a hill, but the body of a dinosaur. To her complete horror, it was the body of Sharptooth, the very same Sharptooth that nearly killed her. “AAAAAAAAAAHHH,” screamed Cera as a tiny aftershock briefly shook the area around her.

She swiftly took cover and hid out of sight. After a few seconds of hiding, she slowly peaked her head out of her hiding place and looked upon Sharptooth. He wasn’t moving, nor was he responding to the tiny rocks falling on his body. It was as if he was dead. With that in mind, Cera grinned from cheek to cheek before creeping closer to the body. She looked up at Sharptooth’s mouth full of teeth. Now seeing that he wasn’t chasing her, Cera stuck out her tongue at the body, mocking him, before head butting him. She head butted him again before charging at him from a small distance away. After this, she ran a couple meters away from the body before turning back and kicking up some dirt and dust, ready to charge again. She ran toward the body, ready to head butt him once again. She was now only a few feet away from the body, but suddenly, just before she could reach him, the eyelid opened up, looking Cera straight in the eye. This shocked Cera badly and she halted her run upon realizing that Sharptooth was alive. “AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!”

Stopping herself just before touching the eyeball, she turned tail and ran for her life as Sharptooth, regaining consciousness, got up and roared. Cera got out of sight as Sharptooth slowly started getting to his feet, ready to cause havoc to the landscape once again by hunting for prey.

Meanwhile, oblivious to Sharptooth’s awakening, Littlefoot and his group were once again on the walk. Ducky hummed while skipping around, but Littlefoot, sensing something was nearby, shushed her before whispering to the others. “Quiet,” he said before seeing something coming, “stay low.”

Together, they hid behind a tree as another creature appeared. But it was not another baby dinosaur. Instead, it was a creature with a sail on its back, sharp teeth, and it looked hungry. It was a Dimetrodon. Nearly catching the scent of Littlefoot and the others, it wandered off, looking for food. As the Dimetrodon disappeared, everyone peaked from behind the tree before hearing more noises coming from all around. Fearing that there was something scary out there, but knowing they had to keep moving, they set off again. By this time, Kaytlin and Shine had explained some details of their society to the dinosaurs. “So you wander around, looking for adventure,” asked Ducky.

“That’s right Ducky,” said Shine, “that’s something our community is best at. Isn’t that right Kaytlin?”

“Well…of course,” said Kaytlin awkwardly, “though I haven’t done it in a long time myself. I’ve mostly lived in this placed called Wuzzleburg with my friends Wubbzy, Daizy, Widget and Walden.”

“Wow,” said Ducky, “that must be very fun.”

“Oh, it does have its fun moments Ducky,” chuckled Kaytlin before feeling uncertain, “…except that I’m the only one of my society living there.”

“You are,” asked Petrie nervously.

Kaytlin nodded yes, feeling sad, but Shine was quick to cheer her up. “It’s ok Kaytlin,” said Shine, “at least you met Kyle and his friends, and you had so much fun together.”

“Yes…we did,” replied Kaytlin, recalling meeting them, but remaining in doubt, “I just hope they’re ok.”

“Me too,” said Littlefoot as he checked around the area, seeing the coast clear, before resuming his walk.

But as soon as Littlefoot started walking, Petrie quickly got on Littlefoot’s back, climbing all the way up to his head, taking the tree star with him, and gripping his head in fright. “Ow! Hey,” complained Littlefoot, “Petrie, get off.”

But Petrie didn’t move. “You got a nice head, Flathead,” he said as he relaxed on Littlefoot’s head.

Littlefoot glared at Petrie before correcting him. “My name is not Flathead. My name is Littlefoot.”

“Littlefoot,” asked Petrie before covering himself with the tree star.

“Are you just gonna stay up there,” asked Littlefoot, getting annoyed.

Petrie, investigating the tree star, replied, “yes.”

“Well you can’t,” said Littlefoot, getting furious, “you’re tearing my tree star.”

Petrie gasped upon seeing that his actions were inadvertently causing harm to the tree star. “It is very special. Very. His mother gave it to him,” said Ducky, only to see the others look down at her, “she did.”

“Oh Ducky,” said Shine, still finding her cute.

“Oooh, mother present. Very important,” said Petrie before rolling up the tree star and holding it close, “ooh yes. I keep safe. Don’t let nobodies touch.”

He walked back and forth around Littlefoot’s head like a loyal soldier, willing to keep the tree star safe. Petrie’s antic caused Shine to giggle once again. “Oh Petrie, you silly.”

“Yeah Petrie,” said Ducky, liking Petrie’s intentions, “you keep it safe. Yep, yep, yep.”

“Nope, nope, nope,” replied Littlefoot, still unwilling to let Petrie ride on him, before moving the rolled up tree star into his mouth and walking off, getting faster by the second, “I’m not a carrier. Get off.”

“Uh Littlefoot, what’re you doing,” asked Kaytlin, not liking where this was going.

“What does it look like,” replied an impatient Littlefoot before turning to Petrie and beginning to run, “you’re a flyer, now start flying.”

This started to freak Petrie out. He held onto Littlefoot’s head, not wanting to fall off. He yelped in fear as Ducky ran to catch up, trying to encourage Petrie to fly. “OPEN YOUR WINGS PETRIE,” she encouraged as she hopped up with her arms extended outward like they were wings, “OPEN! OPEN!”

“NO! NO,” cried Petrie, terrified, “DON’T HAVE TO DO THIS!”

“LITTLEFOOT STOP,” called Kaytlin as she and Shine ran after the kids, “CAN’T YOU SEE YOU’RE SCARING HIM?”

“I KNOW WHAT I’M DOING,” replied Littlefoot as he kept running, trying to get Petrie to fly, “YOU CAN FLY! NOW OPEN YOUR SKINNY WINGS!”

“UP PETRIE! HIGHER! HIGHER LIKE A FLYER,” added Ducky as she bounced.

Suddenly, Petrie spotted something up ahead that made him even more frantic. “DANGER,” he cried loudly.

“WHERE,” asked Ducky as she got on Littlefoot.


Seeing that they were running toward a small skeleton of a dinosaur, they tried to stop, but it was too late. They crashed into the skeleton, just underneath the ribcage, and, ran as fast as they could, thinking something was chasing them. The skeleton remained on top of them as they fled. But there was nothing chasing them from behind. Up ahead though, someone came running across the trees. It was Cera, having escaped the underground. Upon seeing Cera, everyone skidded their run to a halt, sending the skeleton off of them. The bones broke apart and scattered as Cera, startled, slipped onto her back. With that problem settled, everyone panted while trying to calm down. After panting for a few seconds, Kaytlin marched up to Littlefoot and, with a stern face, said, “don’t…EVER…do that to Petrie again.”

“Hey guys, look,” said Shine as she pointed towards Cera.

The group gathered around Cera, who was less than pleased to see Littlefoot and Kaytlin again. “Cera, it’s you,” said Littlefoot, “what happened? Why’re you so frightened?”

“Frightened? Me,” asked Cera as she got up, laughing at that question, “why’re you so frightened?”

“We’re not frightened,” replied Littlefoot, “are we?”

“Nope, nope,” said Ducky.

“Well…now we’re not,” said Kaytlin.

“Well you should be,” said Cera as she grinned at the group, “I could be with the other threehorns, but I chose to come back to warn you…I…met…the SHARPTOOTH!”

Hearing Sharptooth’s name caused Petrie to panic again. “SHARPTOOTH,” he screamed before clinging onto Littlefoot’s neck in fright.

“Wait…Sharptooth,” asked Kaytlin, getting worried too, “you mean…the same Sharptooth that attacked us?”

“That’s him alright.”

But Littlefoot was skeptical. “Come on Cera,” he said, “Sharptooth is dead. He fell down into the big underground.”

“And that’s…where he met me,” replied Cera, acting brave.

“Oh…dear brave Cera,” said Ducky, believing her naively.

“Dear brave Cera,” said Petrie, causing Littlefoot to glare at him with annoyance.

“Yes. I am brave,” said Cera arrogantly.

“Sharptooth is DEAD,” argued Littlefoot.

“My father told me that flatheads had very small brains,” replied Cera.

This comment caused Kaytlin to lose her worries and turn annoyed. “Small brains,” she asked, “oh come on. If that was true, how could Littlefoot even have the brain capacity to understand good from bad, or even make friends with us?”

“Beats me, but I bet your kind isn’t that bright either,” mocked Cera.

Kaytlin snorted, getting more offended with Cera’s words. “Need I remind you that we saw you terrified when Sharptooth first attacked, so that makes your arrogant claim about being brave invalid, and we, and that includes you, saw him fall into the underground. There’s no way he could’ve survived a fall that big anyway,” she said before crossing her arms and scoffing, “got ya there, don’t I.”

“If he couldn’t make it, then neither could your blue friend,” replied Cera, not backing down.

Kaytlin gasped upon hearing Cera mention Kyle, but before she could retaliate, Shine took Kaytlin’s shoulder and backed her away, not wanting her to get into an argument, though she too was annoyed with Cera’s ego. “Your confidence may be admirable, but not your ego,” she said, “besides, what could you have possibly done if you met Sharptooth down there.”

“I’m glad you asked,” replied Cera before hopping onto some long branches and approached the group, “I was all alone with him in the dark…just the Sharptooth and me…I could hear him breathing.”

Cera turned to Ducky, hiding under one of the branches, and breathed heavily. This made Ducky shiver with fright. “I could see his one…big…ugly…eye...looking for me,” said Cera before breathing hard again.

“What did you do,” asked Ducky as she got on Cera’s branch, “huh? Huh?”

Cera casually turned back to Littlefoot and the others. “I walked right up to him…I looked him straight in the eye…and then…” she said before suddenly jumping forward towards the end of her branch and roaring, “RAAAWWR!”

Cera’s action however causing the other end of the branch to spring up and launch Ducky away like a catapult. Ducky screamed as she flew through the forest, breaking through some weak vines, before crashing to the ground. She wasn’t hurt from this experience, but this sent her a distance from her friends.

But as Ducky started to pull herself together, she heard a quiet snoring sound coming from nearby. Curious, she got up and approached the source of the sound, which was coming from a patch of golden grass. “Ducky,” called Kaytlin.

Ignoring her friends, she slowly peaked into the grass. “Hello,” she said quietly.

All that was in the patch was a single egg. Inside it, something was snoring and mumbling. Ducky hopped into the abandoned nest and observed the egg. “Hello,” she asked as she walked around it.

Suddenly, the top of the egg broke open, leaving a circular crack. Ducky noticed this and took a closer look. As she did, the occupant inside the egg slowly peaked outside, but quickly ducked back in. Ducky got on the egg, seeing that there was indeed something in there. “You should come out. You should,” she said, “you are late. Yes you are. Yep, yep, yep.”

All she heard though was snoring and mumbling again. A little irritated, she took the broken piece of shell off. “Come out,” she said before looking inside the egg as the hatchling slowly peaked out more, “you are all alone. Are you not scared? Huh?”

The hatchling only yawned in response as his egg leaned on the side. Ducky, thinking he should come with her, broke apart the shell. “We are going to the Great Valley. You can go with us. Yes you can,” she said before breaking apart the shell completely, before seeing that the hatchling was a baby Stegosaurus, “uh, you are a Spiketail, so we’ll call you Spike.”

Ducky chuckled as she got out of the grass as Spike, the quiet and newly hatched Stegosaurus, came out and looked upon the grass that surrounded his nest. He suddenly started munching up the grass around him as Ducky quickly backed away, taken aback by how hungry this little guy was. After chewing up some of the grass, he got on his hind legs and dove for the rest of the grass, chomping it up and gulping it down like a hungry child, before only the nest was exposed. He chewed up his food before slowly laying down, about to drift into slumber. Ducky slowly approached the sleeping Stegosaur as the rest of the group appeared nearby. “Ducky,” called Shine before spotting her, “oh there you are.”

“Hello Shine. Hello everyone,” replied Ducky, happy to see her friends again.

“Thank goodness we found you. After seeing you fly off, we…” said Kaytlin before noticing the sleeping Spike, “whoa. Who’s this?”

“This is Spike,” replied Ducky, “he is a spiketail.”

“Aw, look at ‘em,” said Shine, finding Spike cute, “he looks so cute.”

“Can we keep him,” asked Ducky, “can we? Can we?”

“Him,” asked a shocked Cera, “you can’t be serious. He’ll only slow us down.”

“But he is all alone, with no one to take care of him,” replied Ducky.

“Not my problem then,” said Cera before walking off.

Littlefoot and Kaytlin glared at Cera, annoyed that she didn’t care about Spike being left on his own. The duo turned back to Ducky, who had an innocent look on her face, almost like she was pleading to bring Spike with them. Littlefoot and Kaytlin looked at the sleeping Stegosaur and Littlefoot, feeling sorry for him, since he was another kid abandoned in this rough world, smiled. Kaytlin, also feeling she couldn’t say no to Ducky, smiled too. “Why not. Let’s bring him with us,” said Littlefoot as Kaytlin nodded in agreement.

“YAY,” cheered Ducky before hugging Littlefoot as Spike slowly started to wake up with a smile.

Cera heard this and glared back at the group, before scoffing and walking off on her own again. Kaytlin glared at Cera again, frustrated with her behavior before Ducky suddenly hugged her too. Taken by surprise, but happy by her hug, Kaytlin returned it. “Yeah, he can come. After all, he’s all alone in this world too. ‘Cause of that, I feel bad for him.”

“Me too Kaytlin, but we can take care of him while we travel,” said Shine.

“Yep, yep, yep,” said Ducky as Kaytlin put her back on the ground and took a small branch of berries to get Spike’s attention, “this will be great.”

Kaytlin chuckled at Ducky’s happiness, amused with her enthusiasm, as Spike got to his feet, attracted by the tasty looking fruit. But as she was about to begin walking off with them, she looked back at where Cera went. This made her worries slowly resurface, since Cera’s constant bragging and lack of concern was bothering her.
Part 4 of "Kaytlin's Adventures in The Land Before Time."

The last few parts of this story have been overloaded with sadness and drama, some of which got me emotional when writing this crossover, but here we get a chance to let go of the serious tension and feel a sense of relief. The main reason for this is because we're introduced the other three characters that make up the main cast of this franchise: Ducky, Petrie and Spike. Like Littlefoot and Cera, they are very fun characters and help with the story. My personal favorite of the five is Ducky. With her innocence and kindness, she's someone I'd love to have by my side if I were sad or depressed about something. Of course, there are other characters that I also think of in that regard, but Ducky's included with them.
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DandinFreeLands's avatar
I'm amazed how fast Spike grew in just a few minutes.