
The FTS Ad. w/PnF: Bowl-R-Ama Drama

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Midday at the Flynn-Fletcher house and Candace was speaking with Stacy on her cellphone about a very special occasion.  “Oh my gosh Stacy,” she said, “oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!  Jeremy asked me if I could meet him at the fair later today, next to the Ferris wheel.”

Suddenly, something came up in Candace’s mind that got her worried.  “Oh no, I almost forgot I’m scared of heights.  What am I going to do,” she asked worriedly.

“Candace,” called Linda from outside the room, “we’re leaving now.”

“MOM, I’m having a teenage crisis,” replied Candace.

Downstairs, Linda and Lawrence were dressed in special outfits, in preparation for their plan for the day.  “Don’t forget we’re going bowling,” said Linda to Candace, “we need you to keep an eye on the boys.”

“Preferably three,” added Lawrence.

“I’m sure I can help out as well myself,” said Kyle.

“Bowling,” asked Phineas, intrigued by Lawrence’s words, “that sounds fun.  Hey Dad, is it alright if we use that old lawn-bowling set?”

“Sure thing boys,” replied Lawrence, “knock yourselves out.”

“Toodles,” said Linda as she and Lawrence headed out.

“Have a great time guys,” said Kyle to the two parents.

Outside in the backyard, Phineas, Ferb and Kyle stood with the bowling set Lawrence was referring too.  This set consisted of three bowling pins and a bowling ball.  This was an old set and all of it was dirty.  “You know guys,” said Phineas, having an idea, “with a few modifications, we can really zip up this old lawn bowling set.”

As Phineas and the others thought up what to do, Baljeet appeared from outside the backyard.  “Hello Phineas.  What’you doing,” he asked before walking in with a book in his hands, “ooh, I just sounded like Isabella.”

“We’re gonna build the world’s biggest and best bowling-ball game,” replied Phineas.

“Well, according to The Most Pointless Book of World Records,” said Baljeet as he showed them his book while a trumpet fanfare sounded off, confusing everyone, “the world’s largest bowling ball is four feet in diameter.”

“Four feet in diameter, huh,” asked Kyle as he pulled out his badge, “nothing like a challenge we can take on.”

“Four feet,” asked Phineas, “Ferb, we could beat that record in our sleep.”

“You know, the officials for The Most Pointless Book of World Records,” said Baljeet as the trumpet fanfare sounded off again, “will be at the fair today at 3:00, handing out awards.”

“Ferb, get the tools.  Kyle, assemble the troops,” said Phineas, “we’ve got a record to shatter.”

“And then you will be in the next volume,” said Baljeet, liking where this was going, before the trumpet fanfare sounded off again.

Baljeet turned to his left and saw Buford with a trumpet.  “Is that absolutely necessary,” asked Baljeet.

“Why,” asked Buford, “does it bug ya?”

“Well, yes, a little.”

“Then yeah, it’s necessary.”

Seeing that Buford was playing the trumpet to bug him, but not seeing it as rough as being bullied on a regular basis, Baljeet looked at Buford with a dry look.  “Alright, fair enough.  Hey, where is Perry,” asked Baljeet dryly before Buford played the trumpet again.

Somewhere underground, Perry was already on his way to his HQ to get his mission.  Flying through a glass pipe, Perry prepared for his entrance, when suddenly, he flew out of a missing part of the pipe and landed on the ground.  Nearby, Carl was fixing the pipe when he saw Perry beneath his feet.  “Ooh, sorry about that Agent P,” replied Carl as he put Perry back in the glass pipe, before noticing another OWCA agent falling into the same problem: Herman the Hedgehog.

Back with Perry, he reached his HQ and sat in his briefing chair, getting Major Monogram’s briefing.  “Good morning Agent P,” he said, “we’ve tracked Doofenshmirtz to an old abandoned warehouse, and he’s made some suspicious purchases; 10,000 packets of powdered hot chocolate, a hotdog vendor’s cart, a medium-sized parka, and a pair of red flannel long johns with a flap in the back.  Don’t ask us how we know.  Get out there and kick some Doofen-butt.”

Perry, pondering about what his nemesis could be up to today, pulled out his grappling hook and made his way out of the HQ.

Back at the Flynn-Fletcher backyard, Phineas, Ferb and Kyle, along with the rest of the FT Squad, were beginning their construction on their gigantic bowling ball.  Phineas and Kyle hammered in some metallic round parts to the ball while Ferb and Kaytlin helped bring some pieces together on separate parts of the ball.  Rudy and Cassidy examined a compartment that would be the control panel, with Rudy put some wires together and Cassidy putting in a gyroscope ball for controlling the thing.  Eventually, the ball was all put together, and all that was left was seeing if the screen inside the ball would look out into the outside world.  Dennis and Kimmy screwed in some screws on the outside and inside respectively, successfully getting a screen for Dennis to see from inside.  The two friends gave each other thumbs up, proud of their accomplishment.  At some point, everyone fell asleep underneath their creation.  As they slept, Baljeet looked at what Phineas, Ferb and the squad cooked up.  “Wow, that is one big bowling ball,” he said.

Waking up, everyone else saw the ball and were amazed.  “Hey, look at that Ferb,” said Phineas, “told you we could do it in our sleep.”

Elsewhere, Candace was still on the phone with Stacy, thinking of what to wear at the fair.  “So, what do you think I should wear to the fair tonight,” she asked, “I’m thinking my favorite red blouse with my white skirt and red matching socks.”

Suddenly, a loud crashing sound erupted from outside, catching Candace off guard.  This crash sounded like loud bowling pins coming down, but Candace instantly knew something was up.  “Stacy, I’m gonna have to call you back.”

Outside, the giant bowling ball was being used in the gang’s activity.  Everyone, now wearing bowling outfits, watched as the bowling ball knocked down all the bowling pins in a single go.  Everyone cheered as the ball turned around and revealed the person controlling it: Phineas.  “That was amazing,” said Phineas.

“Wow Phineas,” said Isabella, impressed, “another strike.”

“That makes four in a row,” exclaimed Phineas before turning to Buford, “in your face Buford!”

“Haha, yes, what he said!  In da face,” added Baljeet gloatingly, only to back down upon seeing Buford’s angry look directed towards him, “uh-huh…I mean…you will get him next time…clearly.”

“Ferb, Larman, did you get that strike,” asked Phineas to said people.

Ferb, who was operating a score panel table with Larman, gave his brother a thumbs up.  “That many strikes,” asked Larman as he typed in the score, “you’re really good at this.”

“Much better than me,” said Cassidy, “I’ve never been able to get that many strikes in a row.”

“Well, I’m sure you’ve never gotten that many with a giant bowling ball before Cassidy,” said Rudy, “this is completely different.”

“Still, you gotta give kudos to the guy,” said Kaytlin, “he’s a natural.”

Ferb pressed a reset button on the panel, pulling all the pins underground, and making them all stand up, like at a regular bowling alley.  “Alright, so who’s next,” asked Kyle to his friends.

“Phineas,” shouted Candace as she appeared in the backyard, “just what do you think you’re doing out here?”

“Candace, you’re just in time,” said Phineas, “it’s your turn.”

“Just wait until Mom hears about…” said Candace sternly before suddenly having a new thought and saying to herself, “…then again, you guys always seem to make everything disappear before Mom gets home.  But if I take the evidence to her at the Bowl-A-Rama, then she’ll have to believe me.”

Candace had a fantasy of what would happen if that went down successfully.  She envisioned herself at the Bowl-A-Rama, with the giant bowling ball nearby, and with Linda and Lawrence around to see it.  “‘Oh Candace, you were right about Phineas, Ferb and that squad this whole time.  We should’ve believed you,’” said Linda.

“‘And just to express how sorry we are, here’s my credit card,’” said Lawrence as he gave Candace his credit card, “‘you have our permission to ruin us financially.’”

Jeremy was also in this fantasy.  “‘Candace, that is so cool how you busted your brothers like that.  Will you marry me?’”

The fantasy ended as Candace saw a lot of potential for her if she were to participate.  “So, you wanna give it a try,” asked Phineas.

“I do Jeremy,” said Candace dreamily.

“Uh…Jeremy,” asked Kyle, confused.

Quickly snapping out of it, Candace corrected herself.  “I mean…uh…I’d love to give it a try.”

“Alright,” said Phineas happily, “I’ll show you how it works.”

“You were daydreaming about Jeremy again, weren’t you,” suggested Kyle.

Candace, not wanting Kyle to know about her plan too early, replied, “yes…yes I was,” before getting into the giant ball with Phineas.

“Oh boy,” said Timon sarcastically, “this oughta be something.”

“Phineas said the controls to that thing are easy,” said Daizy, “I’m sure she’ll do great.”

Inside the ball, Phineas was giving Candace instructions on how to operate the ball.  “Well first of all, the cockpit’s on a gyroscope so it stays level,” said Phineas as he showed his sister the controls and other mechanisms, “here’s your monitor, and this is the trackball you use to steer.  Now, no matter what, never hit the gyro stabilizer lock button.  It’ll disable the gyroscope, and you’ll spin around like a greased pig on roller skates.”

Phineas directed Candace towards the gyro stabilizer lock button while explaining what not to do.  “Yeah, yeah, use the trackball, don’t hit the button, I got it,” replied Candace, wanting to get down to business.

“Alright,” replied Phineas as the ball opened up, “you see to know what you’re doing.”

“Do I ever,” replied Candace before getting back into the ball and putting on her seat belt, “this is a piece of cake.  Bowl-R-Ama, here I come.”

Outside the ball, Phineas awaited for Candace to make her move.  “Ok Candace, try to take it slow at first.”

Suddenly, the ball took off in a fast speed, taking Phineas by surprise.  Using the trackball, Candace steered it forward, giggling hysterically, intending to bust.  In her rush, she successfully, if not inadvertently, scored a strike on the bowling pins.  Despite the fast start, Phineas cheered for his sister.  “WAY TO GO CANDACE,” he cheered.

But Candace didn’t stop there.  Ferb and Larman taken by surprise, and seeing that Candace was coming their way, not stopping, swiftly jumped out of the way, almost getting run over by the ball.  The score panel table was destroyed as everyone rushed over to Ferb and Larman’s assistance.  “Larman, are you ok,” asked Wubbzy.

“Kind of,” said a spooked Larman, “but she almost ran me over.”

“The nerve of her,” complained Rudy.

“Where’s she even going,” asked Kimmy as they all rushed to the driveway to see where Candace was going.

“She’s free styling.  We’ve gotta follow her and see what she does,” said Phineas, ready to follow that ball, “let’s go team.”

Everyone rushed to their home garages and pressed the door buttons.  Each garage opened up, revealing different things on wheels.  Together, they got on them and headed off to follow Candace.  Baljeet and Dennis came out riding their unicycles, Buford, Kaytlin and Rudy came out on their skateboards, Isabella, Larman and Kimmy came out with their roller blades, Phineas, Wubbzy, and Daizy came out riding their scooters, and Ferb, Kyle and Cassidy came out on their bikes.  Cassidy’s bike was a three-man bicycle, where Timon and Pumbaa rode on behind her.  All wearing safety helmets, elbow pads, kneepads, and other safety gear, they all took off after Candace.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Danville city, someone else was preparing for action.  Grappling hooking his way through town, Perry reached Doofenshmirtz Abandoned Self Storage.  He swung into the building through one of the windows and landed on an icy floor.  He looked around and saw the interior of the building in ice, almost like he was in a giant freezer.  Suddenly, a giant penguin marched towards Perry and pointed its beak at the surprised platypus.  Before Perry could do anything, the robot penguin opened its beak and fired an icy blast that froze Perry solid.  Perry was now trapped in an ice cube, unable to move at all.  Doofenshmirtz appeared on a rising platform, looking at his frozen nemesis gloatingly.  “Ah, Perry the Platypus,” he said, “right on time.  It seems like you’ve got quite the chill there.”

Perry couldn’t respond to Doofenshmirtz’s gloat.  “I want you to meet my latest creation: the Giant Robotic Penguin Icy-Freeze-Your-Socks-Off Breath-Inator…thingy.  First, I will unleash, MY GIANT PENGUINS AT THE FAIR TODAY,” he exclaimed as he revealed an entire army of robot penguins, “so they may begin freezing THE ENTIRE CITY!  Then, I will sell all the citizens of Danville my organic, yet highly addictive, Doof brand hot chocolate.  Because, you know, who doesn’t enjoy a nice cup of hot chocolate when it’s so cold out?  The first cup will be free of course, but then the second…will also be free, but THEN THE THIRD WILL COST A MILLION DOLLARS!  That way, I only have to sell three, and I will be a millionaire.”

The robotic penguins began their march to the Danville fair, leaving the frozen Perry trapped in his icy containment.  “So Perry the Platypus,” said Doofenshmirtz from outside, “as they say in Mexico: Dos Svidanya!  Down there, that’s two vidanyas.”

Back in the suburbs, Candace kept rolling the giant bowling ball down the streets.  Behind her, Phineas and the others pursued her on their cycling rides.  “She’s heading for the Bowl-A-Rama,” said Phineas as he watched Candace ride.

Inside the ball, Candace kept rolling the ball towards the Bowl-A-Rama, laughing evilly as she got closer and closer.  Inside the Bowl-A-Rama, Linda and Lawrence were enjoying themselves with some bowling.  Despite having fun, Linda couldn’t help but feel something wrong since Candace wasn’t calling her.  “You know dear, Candace hasn’t called,” said Linda with her phone out.

“Oh don’t worry,” said Lawrence as he prepared to launch a ball down his bowling path, “I’m sure the kids are having a ball.”

Outside, the bowling ball was about to reach the building, when suddenly, a car appeared out of nowhere and crashed into the ball, sending it away from the Bowl-A-Rama.  Nearby, Phineas and the others watched as the ball rolled down a hill and into another part of the neighborhood.  “Ooh,” said Phineas as they looked out, “that’s gotta hurt.”

Inside the ball, Candace, now suddenly having lost control of the ball, started to panic as she tried to resume her control, only for the gyroscope ball to fall off and bounce around the area.  “OH NO,” she cried.

The ball slid into a small construction zone, where it landed in a hole in the street and slid into an underground pipe.  Phineas and the others reached the hole and saw the ball rolling into the pipe.  “Sir, where does this tunnel lead,” asked Kyle a construction worker.

“Heck, if I know,” replied the worker, having no idea.

“Ferb, a map of Danville’s underground,” said Phineas.

Ferb took out a map of the city’s underground system.  After quickly reading it, Phineas and Kyle had an idea of where Candace was going.  “Looks like she’s headed downtown,” said Phineas.

“Then let’s roll ‘em out guys,” said Rudy as they headed towards said direction.

Underground, the ball rolled down the pipe, while Candace frantically tried thinking of a way to stop it.  “STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP,” she cried before the ball finally stopped, giving her relief, “oh good, it stopped.  WAIT!”

Candace’s fright immediately came back when she realized she was on a subway track and a train was coming her.  “Go, go, GO, GO, GO,” exclaimed Candace frantically before the train bumped into her, sending her down the track.

The ball was on the roll again, moving very fast down the track.  Candace looked ahead and saw a train coming her way.  Luckily for her, the track zipped over to the right and it moved Candace out of the way of that train, only for it to come face to face with another.  But this track took a sudden left turn, leading Candace to a subway seating area.  “That’s one big bowling ball Bob,” said one of the people waiting for a train.

“You betcha Barry,” said his friend.

Phineas and the others arrived at the seating area and watched Candace roll down the track.  “Here she comes,” said Phineas.

“GO CANDACE,” cheered Buford and Baljeet as they watched the ball roll further down the track, away from them.

“And there she goes,” said Buford.

“Where does that tunnel lead,” asked Larman.

“It should take her to 7th Street,” said Dennis, “not very far from here.”

“Alright guys,” said Phineas as they headed off to said destination, “to 7th Street.”

Back at DASS, Perry was still trapped in his ice cube.  Alone and in a freezing cold area, the chances of Perry getting out of his trap alone were pretty dire.  However, Perry noticed a spare cup of hot chocolate that Doofenshmirtz forgot about on a nearby table.  Thinking this could be his way out of his frozen trap, Perry glared at the cup before moving himself back and forth from side to side.  This didn’t keep him a chance to move any of his limbs, but it caused his cube to tip from side to side.  This also caused the cup to move closer and closer to the edge of the table as a result of the shaking of the cube.  Eventually, the cup fell off the table and crashed onto the ground.  This caused the hot chocolate to drip its way over to Perry’s cube.  Upon reaching the cube, it began to crack as a result of the heat.  Eventually, the cube broke apart, freeing Perry, and giving him the chance to jump to another part of the building.  Now free from his freezing trap, and knowing what he was up against, Perry took out his grabbling hook and fired it at the open window, allowing him to fly out and pursue Doofenshmirtz.

Back with Candace, her ball flew out of the Subway station and flew to another part of the city.  Phineas and the others rode out and watched the ball fly.  “GO CANDACE GO,” they all cheered.

The ball reached an area on the sidewalk with three information booths.  The ball banged against all three of them multiple times, causing them to give off a dinging sound, similar to a pinball machine.  After a few seconds of colliding and bouncing off each of these, the ball rolled off to somewhere else.  This left everyone amazed.  “Whoa,” said Wubbzy, “that was just like a pinball machine.”

“A really big pinball machine,” added Daizy.

“Hey Baljeet, what’s the world record for the World’s Largest Pinball Machine,” asked Kyle.

“I am not sure,” replied Baljeet as he looked at his book, “but I know we can beat it.”

“Ok everybody,” said Phineas, knowing what to do next, “split up and let’s keep her in play till we get to the fair.”

With that, everyone set off again, chasing after the bowling ball.  It was now a fast and thrilling mission to keep Candace under control and steer her to the fair.  The ball hit a stonewall and bounced back the way it came, while Phineas, Ferb, Kyle and Rudy watched.  The ball reached its way towards a park staircase and bounced down that.  Inside the ball, Candace shrieked and panicked as the ball kept shaking with what was going on outside.  The gyroscope ball kept bouncing around the area before landing on the gyro stabilizer lock button, activating it and causing the room to roll around quickly.  This caused Candace to grow dizzy with the rotating room and get the gyroscope ball stuck in her mouth for a few seconds.  Outside, Phineas and the others chased after the ball as it passed through a “keep left” sign.  “I’M OUT OF CONTROL,” cried Candace.

The ball rolled around a circular window area of a building before going back down the streets again.  Phineas and the gang watched it go before splitting up into different groups.  The ball reached a sports store and bounced off a hockey player statue and then a soccer player statue.  The ball headed towards the Food Stuff Mart, scaring everyone inside.  As everyone scattered, Baljeet and Daizy appeared and stepped in range of the automatic entrance doors.  This caused the doors to bounce Candace back the way she came and taking her back onto the street.  Phineas and Kyle rode past the speeding ball and opened up the doors to a theater so it could pass through safely.  The theater banners outside lit up, like a pinball machine as the ball got inside.  “WAHOO,” they both cheered before fist bumping each other.

The ball rolled out of the theater and headed towards a drawbridge, about to open up and let a boat go through.  In the operating room, Larman and Wubbzy got in and pressed a button that opened the bridge early.  This sent the ball flying away from the drawbridge, and towards the city again.  The ball reached the Googolplex Mall and went through the doors, while Isabella and Kimmy gently helped an old woman get out of the way.  The ball rolled through the stores and hallways while everyone watched.  Inside the ball, Candace held onto her seat tightly as she rolled around rapidly, screaming in fright.  Eventually, the ball rolled outside the mall and rolled towards a construction truck dropping off some dirt.  The ball was sent flying into the air once again.  From nearby, Ferb, Cassidy, Timon and Pumbaa approached a fruit stand.  While Ferb stopped near the fruit seller, Cassidy swiftly rode nearby, lassoing a mother and child nearby and moving them away from the bowling ball to somewhere safe nearby.  As for Ferb, he simply moved the seller to the right as the ball landed on the fruit stand, causing a big explosion of fruit goo that got everyone covered.  Luckily, no one was hurt and the ball was now stuck in place.  With that, Ferb kicked off a part of the fruit cart and the ball was left rolling again.  “Way to keep it goin’ Ferb,” said Phineas as he and the others appeared.

As for Cassidy, she released the two pedestrians before meeting up with Phineas and the gang.  Nearby, some skaters saw the action and were amazed.  “Whoa,” said one of them, “gnarly dudes.  Rock on dudes.”

“Thanks, and Hakuna Matata,” said Pumbaa as he happily waved to the skaters.

The bowling ball came into view of the fair and rolled towards it.  At the fair, a carnival man operating Knock ‘Em Down stand was watching as a visitor tried playing the game, only to fail, since his ball didn’t do so much as budge any of the pins.  “Oop, better luck next time little man,” he said before seeing Isabella and Larman appear, “Isabella darling.”

“Set me up Shaddy Jo,” said Isabella as she gave the carnival man a dollar, “I’m feelin’ lucky.”

“Oh, that’s my girl,” said Shady Jo happily as he gave Isabella a game ball, “you give it your best shot.”

While Shady Jo looked at the pins, anticipating what stack Isabella would knock down, Isabella calculated which pin she planned on knocking down, but as she lifted her ball up in preparation for throwing, she stopped and looked elsewhere.  Larman knew what Isabella was thinking and muttered, “3, 2, 1.”

On cue, the bowling ball rolled into the stand, destroying it and leaving Shady Jo completely shocked.  Seeing that it was destroyed, and shocked that Isabella managed to defeat his game, since the pins were actually screwed into the stand, Shady Jo said with defeat, “help yourself.  Anything from the top shelf.”

The top shelf fell to the ground with all the prizes while Isabella gestured out her hand for a high five from Larman, which he delivered.

At another part of the fair, the Pointless World Record officials were hosting a panel for their World Record awards.  “Welcome Danvillians to the World’s Most Pointless Records Awards,” said the announcer, “let’s meet some of our record holders.  Here we have Cletus with the world’s hairiest pig.  Next to him is Margaret with the world’s stinkiest cheese.  And finally, we got little Timmy holding the world’s fattest gerbil.  Let’s have a big round of applause for the most pointless world-record winners!”

The audience gave an applause to these people, before Phineas, Ferb and the squad appeared in the audience.  “Wait,” exclaimed Phineas, “we’ve got two more World’s Most Pointless Records for our own.”

“Well then, step right up sonny, and tell everybody what they are,” said the announcer, happy to announce more winners.

“Our first entry is for the world’s largest bowling ball, and the other is for the world’s largest game of pinball,” replied Phineas as they got on stage.

“Wow,” exclaimed the announcer, amazed, “well, let’s see ‘em.”

“Wait for it,” said Ferb, waiting for the ball to appear on cue.

Suddenly, the giant ball appeared in the audience and hit three tents in a pinball-like matter, similar to what happened before.  Fortunately, no one was in the path, and the announcer was impressed.  “Looks like we have two more World’s Most Pointless Records,” said the announcer before having a realization, “wait…TWO records in one day?  That’s another world record!”

“Wow,” said Cassidy, “that makes three records in a row.”

“Up high guys,” said Kyle as they gave each other high fives, “we’re on fire!”

Elsewhere in the city, Doofenshmirtz was still marching with his giant penguin robot army, heading towards the fair, while pushing a hot chocolate stand.  “To the fair, my pets, where the freezing of the TRI-STATE AREA WILL BEGIN,” he exclaimed.

But not far away, Perry was grappling hooking his way from building to building, heading to the fair himself to stop his nemesis.  He swung over some people and cars before launching his grappling hook at another building.  After swinging his way through town, he landed on the road, seeing the penguin robots straight ahead.  Knowing that Doofenshmirtz was with them, but knowing that if he took them head on, he’d get frozen again, Perry had to think of another means of defeating them.  As he thought, he spotted something above him that might be of help; a large metal pipe on a building.  Perry launched his grappling hook at the pipe and pulled it down to him.  The pipe had an L-shape to it and Perry pointed one end towards the robot army.  Perry jumped onto the pipe before looking at the other end.  Here, he saw the bowling ball rolling towards it.  The ball went through the pipe and slid towards the penguin army.  By coincidence, the army was lined up in bowling pin formation.  Inside the ball, Candace, still rolling around rapidly, kept holding on for dear life.

Back with Doofenshmirtz, he was about to start his plan of freezing Danville, when he spotted the ball coming right towards him.  “Wait, wait, what is that?  A giant bowling ball,” he asked before seeing it rolling towards him, “AAAAAAAHHHH!!!”

Too late to get out of the way in time, Doofenshmirtz, along with his entire army, got hit by the fast moving ball.  Impact destroyed the army and the ball, sending Doofenshmirtz and Candace flying.  While Doofenshmirtz was sent flying elsewhere, Candace flew towards the Ferris Wheel.  Fortunately for the screaming Candace, she landed on top of the Ferris Wheel, and to her amazement, she landed next to Jeremy.  “Oh Candace, you made it,” said Jeremy, surprised to see her, “I was thinking you weren’t gonna show up, although, you know, usually we get on at the bottom.”

Flattered to be next to her crush, Candace giggled sheepishly before hearing Phineas’ voice from below.  “We’d especially like to thank our sister Candace,” said Phineas with a microphone while Ferb, Rudy and Kaytlin each carried one of the three trophies, “we couldn’t have done it without ya sis.”

“You know, your brothers are alright,” said Jeremy.

But unlike Jeremy, Candace wasn’t impressed.  Something else was bothering her, but it wasn’t her brothers or the squad.  “Hey, are you ok,” asked Jeremy.

Candace pointed downwards, not saying a word.  Although Candace didn’t say anything, Jeremy got what Candace was implying.  “Oh, afraid of heights,” he said before putting his arm around her, “don’t worry, I got ya.”

Candace smiled, feeling better.  Down below, the squad watched Candace have her moment with Jeremy.  “Aw, it’s a good thing she’s up there with Jeremy,” said Kimmy, finding the activity cute up there, “she’s got him to calm her down.”

“How ‘bout you Perry,” said Phineas as he walked over to Perry, having noticed his appearance, “is there anything you’d like to add?”

Perry delivered his signature chattering sound in response.  For them, it was a victory for them all, though in Perry’s case, his was a secret.


At another part of the fair, Shady Joe, having set up a new stand, made an announcement to his customers.  “Step right up ladies and gentlemen, step right up!  It’s only a dollar to see the mysterious Penguin-Man.  Is he man?  Is he penguin?  Or perhaps some logic-defying amalgam of man and penguin?  A manguin, if you will,” he said.

This “manguin,” as he called it, was actually Doofenshmirtz with a leftover head from one of his penguin robots.  Having landed on a haystack, the evil scientist was in serious defeat.  “I used to have goals,” he said sadly, “they were evil goals, but they were goals.”
"The FT Squad's Adventures With Phineas and Ferb: Bowl-R-Ama Drama."

Phineas, Ferb and the squad decide to make large bowling ball to break some records in Baljeet's "Most Pointless Book of World Records" book.  However, Candace thinks she can bring the ball to the Bowl-R-Ama, where Linda and Lawrence are, so she can bust the boys, but when she loses control and ends up on a detour, it results in a wild, yet thrilling ride for the gang.

The FT Squad characters and Larman copyrighted to me

Phineas and Ferb and The Lion King characters copyrighted to Disney

Wow Wow Wubbzy characters copyrighted to Bob Boyle
© 2016 - 2024 kylgrv
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GreyWolf2021's avatar

I couldn't stop laughing at those pinball scenes during this episode while I was watching it on TV. This stole the thunder for my favorite episode in the overall series.