
New Realm Travel P6

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Back with the squad, they kept fleeing from Candace.  By now, they had run a few blocks through the city, but they haven’t spotted a trace of Phineas, Ferb, Isabella or Zazu.  They were still in the city somewhere.  “HEY, WHERE’D YOU GO,” Candace shouted from far behind the squad.

“Man, that girl’s getting on my nerves,” said Timon.

“I can’t believe she’s Phineas and Ferb’s sister,” added Pumbaa.

“Never mind that guys,” said Kyle, “just keep going before she catches us.”

The four kept running down the road, ignoring the fact that some locals were watching them from windows.  After running past two more blocks from left and right, the team finally stopped behind a lamppost.  The group panted as they tried catching their breath from the run.  “Did we lose her,” asked Wubbzy.

“I think so,” said Kyle as he looked back at where they ran from, “but I think more people are onto us.  They’re watching from their windows.”

“This is the eight-thousandth time it’s happened this trip,” complained Timon, “so much for undercover.”

“Yeah, we didn’t do well with that,” said Kyle, “mainly ‘cause of surprise appearances and really bad preparation.  Should’ve thought that through more.”

“Again Kyle, you were stressed about the last adventure,” said Pumbaa, “don’t worry about that.”

“Yeah, I know, but we still gotta hurry and get this done before the police find us,” said Kyle.

“Or that crazy girl,” added Timon, “what’re the odds of bumping into her so often?”

Suddenly, Zazu appeared and spotted the squad recovering from their run.  “KYLE!  FELLAS,” he exclaimed, “praise Mufasa I found you all at last.”

“Zazu!  There you are,” replied Kyle, relieved, “where have you been?”

“Long story short: I was kidnapped by some teenage girl and I lost my way after losing her to a stampede of people,” said Zazu, frantic and tired, but relieved to have found his friends at last.

“Was that girl a redhead with a long neck, red and white clothes and goes by the name Candace,” asked Pumbaa.

“Eh…name-wise, I do not know, but she was a redhead,” replied Zazu before getting down to business, “but that’s not of importance.  Phineas and the others are at a drawbridge, getting swept downriver.”

“WHAT,” asked Timon and Pumbaa frantically.

“Oh no,” cried Wubbzy, “they’re in trouble?”

“Zazu, lead us the way there,” ordered Kyle, “come on!”

Together, the team headed towards the drawbridge as fast as they could.  Not paying attention to any locals nearby on the streets, they rushed to the bridge to find their friends.  But their run caught the attention of Erica, who was still observing activity around the city.  Upon seeing the squad, she got her walkie-talkie out and contacted her fellow officers.  “This is Erica Grolet calling all units,” she reported, “the suspects have been spotted, heading for the old drawbridge.  I’m going in, but I’ll need some backup.”

Back at the bridge, Phineas and Ferb were still holding onto Isabella’s sash, trying to avoid getting swept away by the river.  Isabella kept holding on, but she was having some difficulty.  “Can’t…let…go,” she squirmed as she held on.

Finally, Isabella’s hands slipped off her sash, causing Phineas to accidentally take it with him as he and Ferb were swept downriver.  “OH NO, MY SASH,” cried Isabella before rushing to edge of the concrete, “PHINEAS!  FERB!”

Phineas, in his struggle to keep above water, accidentally let go of the sash while holding onto Ferb.  “And to think, we’re great at swimming at the beach,” he said to Ferb.

Not far away, the squad ran out of the city and saw the river down below.  The team looked at the water before Wubbzy spotted Phineas and Ferb.  “Down there,” he said.

Everyone looked and saw their two friends in trouble.  “How do we get ‘em out,” asked Pumbaa.

“Oh man, this is definitely bad,” said Kyle, who started getting nervous.

“Can’t you just jump in and swim them to safety,” asked Wubbzy.

“I could, but trying to get two friends out of the water at the same time is tough,” said Kyle, “remember what happened the last time I tried that?”

Remembering the freezing water from the ice outside of Prince Adam’s castle, Wubbzy started getting bad feelings.  But before any panicking could happen, Timon spotted something in the sky.  “Wait, what’s that,” he asked as he pointed upward.

Everyone looked and saw a shadow silhouette flying overhead.  It looked like a bird with a long bill, but it also had a circle shape around it’s head and curved square-like shapes on its feet.  It circled around the river before giving a thumbs up.  It was hard for the team to comprehend who it was, but Kyle looked carefully and started recognizing that person.  “Wait a minute,” he said, getting hopeful, “is that…”

Suddenly, the flying silhouette lashed out something towards the water.  It was a long rope.  It landed with a light splash in the water, a couple meters away from Phineas and Ferb.  The silhouette landed on the concrete a few feet away from Kyle and the others.  Here, they could see who it was.  Kyle was completely surprised.  “CASSIDY,” he asked.

It was Cassidy.  Phineas and Ferb saw the pelican and were surprised to see another anthropomorphic person.  With the end of her rope in the water, ready to get grabbed, she shouted out to Phineas and Ferb, “GRAB ON!”

Phineas and Ferb did so, as Cassidy turned to Kyle.  Kyle, at first surprised to see his teammate, smiled.  “Heyhey,” he exclaimed.

Cassidy smiled back, happy to see her friend again.  “Hi Kyle,” she said.

“Cassidy, I can’t believe you’re here too,” said Wubbzy, happy to see her as well.

“True, but I’m not the only one here,” said Cassidy, “your reinforcements have arrived.”

Suddenly, Rudy, Dennis, Kimmy and Kaytlin appeared as well.  Their presence surprised Kyle, but he was nonetheless happy to see them all.  “Mind if we lend a hand,” asked Dennis.

“The gang’s all here,” cheered Pumbaa, “YAY!”

“Guys,” exclaimed Kyle, “I…I can’t believe this.”

“Are you alright Kyle,” asked Kimmy.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” said Kyle, “but my two friends Phineas and Ferb won’t be if we don’t get them out.”

“Right,” said Cassidy as the founders grabbed hold of the rope, “LET’S PULL!”

Together, the team started pulling on the rope, successfully guiding Phineas and Ferb closer to the edge.  Phineas and Ferb looked at the squad founders, thinking these to be the friends Kyle was referring to.  As they were being guided to safety, two choppers appeared overhead and watched the activity.  Isabella ran towards the team as she rushed to check on Phineas and Ferb.  Taken by surprise to see more of Kyle’s friends, she paused for a moment in awe before seeing her sash float away.  “OH NO!  MY SASH IS FLOATING AWAY,” cried Isabella.

“Sorry Isabella,” said Phineas as he and Ferb were pulled closer to land, “I couldn’t let Ferb drown.”

Kyle saw the sash floating away.  “I’m on it Isabella,” he said as he let go and ran towards the river, “hold on.”

Kyle ran towards the edge of the concrete prepared jump into the river.  As he did, Erica appeared on the scene, still riding her motorcycle.  “HEY YOU,” she shouted, “GET BACK HERE!”

Paying no attention to the officer, Kyle dove into the water and swam towards the sash.  Erica chased after him, not letting Kyle out of her sights.  But as she drove, she failed to notice a pothole in the concrete, straight ahead of her.  Erica kept driving ahead, eyes still locked on Kyle, when suddenly her motorcycle drove straight into the pothole.  This took Erica by surprise and she lost control.  She spiraled around before crashing into the railing.  This sent her flying off her motorcycle and into the river.  She landed in the water and got carried away by the current.  She resurfaced and took a deep breath, but struggled to keep herself above water.  “SOLDIERS!  OFFICER IN DISTRESS!  REPEAT: OFFICER IN DISTRESS,” she cried as she talked into her walkie-talkie, “I NEED…BACKUP!”

By now, Kyle had gotten a hold of Isabella’s sash and smiled.  But before he could swim back to shore, he spotted Erica struggling to keep above water in the current.  Knowing straight away what to do, he put the sash over his shoulder and swam towards her.  Erica kept struggling to keep her head above water before finally submerging below the surface.  But as it seemed she was going to drown in the current, Kyle grabbed her and got her above water.  “I got you,” said Kyle as he tried swimming them both back to land.

Holding onto Erica’s left arm, Kyle used all his might to get her to safety.  Erica looked and saw Kyle trying to save her.  The current was very strong though, and it was starting to take its toll on Kyle’s strength.  “Almost…there,” he squirmed.

Eventually, the combination of the current and holding onto the police officer started wearing Kyle out.  As this happened, Timon, Pumbaa, Wubbzy, Rudy, Dennis, Kimmy and Kaytlin appeared nearby on a low ledge and watched them drift down the river.  “There they go,” exclaimed Wubbzy.

Dennis quickly got out his staff and lowered it into the water.  Kyle saw the staff and quickly grabbed onto it.  “All together everyone,” ordered Rudy, “PULL!”

The group did so and started guiding the two to safety.  A group of police cars appeared on the scene as the two choppers watched from overhead.  “PULL GUYS!  EVERY MUSCLE YA GOT,” ordered Rudy.

But as the team pulled, Kyle’s hand started slipping off the staff.  “HANG ON KYLE,” cried Kaytlin.

Finally, Kyle and Erica were high enough over the river.  With that, Rudy took Kyle’s hand and pulled him up while Kimmy and Kaytlin took Erica and pulled her to safety as well.  Kyle and Erica collapsed onto the ground, exhausted but ok.  After catching her breath, Erica looked at the otter that saved her life.  Kyle looked back at her and asked, “are you alright officer?”

“Yeah…I’m ok,” said Erica, “you…you saved me.”

“I couldn’t let you drift away,” said Kyle, “you were in trouble.”

“Erica, are you hurt,” asked one of the officers.

“No team,” she said as she got up, “I’m alright…courtesy of this brave fellow right here.”

“Uh…happy to help ma’am,” said Kyle, “I’m glad I caught you when I did.”

Phineas, Ferb, Isabella and Cassidy appeared as well.  “Kyle, are you ok,” asked Phineas.

“Yeah, I’m good,” said Kyle, “what about you?”

“Ferb and I are fine,” said Phineas, “don’t worry about us.”

“And you got my sash,” said Isabella happily, “thank you so much.”

“Sure thing Isabella,” said Kyle as he gave the sash back.

“Well…that was quite the thrill on our first adventure here,” commented Dennis.

“As for the rest of you people, thanks helping me and these two boys here.  That was awesome teamwork,” said Erica, obliged by the rescue, “but I must say, I’ve never seen any of you before.  Who are you, and where did you come from?  And what were you doing scaring all those people in the city?”

Reminded of what happened earlier in the city, Kyle felt bad.  But before he could say anything, Candace appeared and saw the squad with the police officers.  “THERE YOU ARE,” she exclaimed, “what did I tell ya?  Busted!”

“Not you again,” complained Timon, not happy to see Candace again.

“Candace,” asked Phineas, surprised to see his sister.

“Officer, thank goodness you caught them in their act,” said Candace to Erica, “these guys were walking with my brothers down the streets of our neighborhood, and from the looks of it, it seems they put them in danger.”

“Danger,” asked Kyle, “I thought I told you, we didn’t mean any harm to anyone.  That includes your brothers.”

“Yeah right,” replied Candace, “why else would those two be drifting down that river.”

“It was our fault actually,” said Phineas, standing up for Kyle, “we got separated from Kyle and his friends while we were trying to guide them to City Hall.  We thought we saw Mr. Zazu here, and we tried catching up to him by using the drawbridge but we lost our balance and fell in.”

“Phineas, you should be more careful out here,” said Erica, “a boy your age could’ve gotten hurt.”

“Ooh, you’re busted now,” said Candace, anticipating punishment.

“But what are you implying when you said you were getting these strangers to City Hall,” asked Erica.

“Ma’am, I can explain,” said Kyle, “we are travelling adventurers known as the Future Time Travel Squadron, and we came here for a getaway from all the missions and trips we’ve been taking over the past many days.  We come from a much bigger society that values exploration and adventure, but only for good, not in any way bad.  We’re here as visitors, not invaders.”

“Hmm…so I see,” said Erica, understanding everything, “but I’ve never heard of this squadron of yours, nor your society.”

“That’s ‘cause we’ve never been to this world before,” said Kyle, “at first I thought of giving my team a rest elsewhere until…until I got a message from my penpal, PCF634, who suggested we come here and visit him.”

“PCF634,” asked Phineas before having a realization, “hang on a minute.  Ferb and I own that account.”

“Wait…what,” asked a shocked Kyle, “you two are my penpals.”

“This is so awesome,” said Phineas, “it was you all along…though I had a feeling it was you.”

“I thought so as well,” said Ferb, finally speaking up, “probability of that, after what we’ve heard about your adventures, was very high.”

Everyone stared at Ferb, finally hearing his voice after all this time.  After a moment of silence, Kyle spoke up.  “I didn’t want to spill too many details, and I thought the idea of my penpal asking me to come here might’ve been personal information.”

“Well now that we know, that’s really cool,” said Phineas, “now we can have a fun summer together.”

Kyle’s ecstasy turned into doubt upon hearing this.  “What’s the matter Kyle,” asked Isabella.

Suddenly, Erica’s walkie-talkie buzzed.  Alex Grolet’s voice came out and gave a message to Erica and the other officers.  “Erica, this is Alex,” he replied, “just got an order from Mayor Roger Doofenshmirtz for all units to call off their search for Kyle Otter and his friends of the FT Squad and return to base.  Their boss has negotiated with the mayor for the team to come to City Hall and announce themselves to the city in the morning.”

Everyone became surprised by this comment.  “Got it Alex, I’m on it,” said Erica before turning to her fellow officers, “everyone, let’s get back to base and call it a day.  It’s all settled.”

“You’re letting us go,” asked Wubbzy.

“After all that trouble, you’re finally letting us be,” asked Timon, “or is this a trick?”

“Well seeing that my husband is the chief of the Danville police, and you worked together and saved me, I can see reason behind this order,” said Erica, before turning to Phineas, Ferb, Isabella and Candace, “as for you four, let’s get you home.  From what I see, they’re gonna be here for a while,” she continued before turning back to the squad, “are you?”

“Um…I guess,” said Kyle.

“Very well then,” said Erica, “we will see you at City Hall.  We expect the best from you travellers, especially after that rescue.”

“WHAT,” asked Candace, completely shocked and disappointed that the squad didn’t get in trouble, “no, this shouldn’t happen!  I want justice to be served!  I want…”

“There’s no crime that they have committed,” said Erica sternly, “it was more like misinterpretation.  Now come.”

The four kids got in one of the police cars while the squad stayed behind near the ledge.  Phineas, Ferb and Isabella waved to their friends as the car drove off to take them home.  The squad waved back as the police cars and choppers left the team alone.  Kyle smiled about knowing that Phineas and Ferb were the ones who asked him to come to Danville, but upon looking back at his team, he started feeling bad.  His teammates noticed his uncertain expression and became concerned.  Before anyone could ask, the rest of the Wubbzy Gang, along with Simba, Nala, Kiara, Kovu, Donkey, Speedy and Commander Atom appeared.  “Kyle, you’re ok,” exclaimed Kiara, happy to see Kyle fine.

“What’s the situation Zazu,” asked Simba.

“Well Sire, you just missed some of the authorities of this land,” said Zazu, “but they’re allowing us to set up residence here.”

“So this mission worked out nicely for you guys,” asked Nala.

“It did,” said Zazu before turning to Kyle, “though I’m afraid our little hero here has been having some problems with teamwork again.”

Everyone looked at Kyle with confused looks, though Timon, Pumbaa and Wubbzy knew where this was going.  “Kyle,” asked Commander Atom, “what does he mean by that?”

“It’s true Commander,” said Kyle, “I was having problems with accepting some help for this mission.  It’s as if my past has resurfaced again.”

Atom quietly gasped upon hearing this.  He remembered something like this occurring very long ago, when Kyle first joined Future Time Travel.  “How…how could you,” asked Kovu, “your friends…”

“My friends shouldn’t have been treated the way they were,” said Kyle as he looked out into the distance, “it was I who made the error, not them.  All they were trying to do was help me, but I thought I could do this myself so that they wouldn’t get hurt or frustrated like our last adventure together.  And I still felt bad for not taking a vacation into consideration for a while.  This was to make up for that mistake.”

“Again Kyle, there was no mistake,” said Kimmy, “you weren’t at fault for anything.”

“That adventure’s in the past, and we would’ve gotten through this one easier, had you allowed us to come along,” said Rudy.

“I didn’t think of that before,” said Kyle, “besides, this realm is one we’ve never explored, and that gave me more reason to think about going it alone.  I didn’t want anyone to get hurt, arrested, or lost because of me.  I…was too caught up in the stresses of last adventure to think of what was after.”

“And now,” asked Atom.

“I’ve come to accept that there’s nothing I can do about the previous adventure, since it already happened, and a new mission was at hand,” said Kyle, “but with the help I got from my backup, this mission worked and I saw the error of my ways, but I hope in time, I can win back trust from the rest of my friends.”

The squad founders looked at Kyle sympathetically before Kovu spoke up.  “I…made mistakes in the past too…and you gave me a chance,” said Kovu to the others.

“You know Kovu…I made mistakes too,” said Simba, “and no one lost trust in me.  They all had faith in me when I went back to Pride Rock.”

Atom looked at the two lions and thought about it.  “Guys…what do you think,” asked Atom.

“Forgive Kyle,” asked Dennis, before swiftly hugging his buddy, “oh definitely.  He’s the best after all.”

“Kyle’s my pal too,” said Rudy, “and nothing will change that at all.”

“Everybody makes mistakes,” said Kimmy as she embraced with Kyle, “I’m just happy you’re still the Kyle we all know and love.”

Cassidy and Kaytlin nodded in agreement, also having forgiven Kyle for his choices.  Rafiki appeared on the scene and acknowledged forgiving Kyle too.  “Forgiveness is accepted my friend,” he said, “now you know that no matter the circumstances of an action, friendship can survive, so long as one’s heart is in the right place, and understands the difference between right and wrong.  You have proven that you are capable of just that.”

“I’d have to agree,” said Atom, “had you not admitted your mistake, you’d be acting like the way you were when at the Robinson Mansion.  But don’t worry.  You’re nothing like that anymore.”

“Thanks Commander.  Thank you all,” said Kyle before turning to Rafiki, “though…why did you show up when we were in hot water?”

“Sometimes, one must see for himself how his actions can turn horrid,” said Rafiki, “but that can give him the chance to make the right choice, and allow more friends to arrive…as did yours.”

“Atom told us to fly the Alpha Star into the realm, but lie in wait until necessary,” said Rudy, “Rafiki told us you saw that you were wrong, so we decided to go on in and find you.”

“I’m glad you guys did,” said Kyle, “because for now…we can get back to the ship and rest, and tomorrow, we can become one with the community.”

The following day, a crowd of local people was gathered around City Hall.  They were listening to a speech from Kyle, who was given permission by Roger Doofenshmirtz to speak to the city.  This event was on TV, allowing Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, their respective families, and everyone else, to see the squad’s introduction to the Danville population.  Erica and Alex were also at City Hall, watching Kyle finish his speech.  “And therefore, as one of Future Time Travel’s most successful units…we wish nothing but peace with everyone.  We are friends who wish to be accepted as one with your world.  Thank you.”

The crowd of people cheered for Kyle as Atom patted his student on the back.  “Well there you have it ladies and gentlemen,” said Roger, “we have a new society of visitors joining us, whom I do recall have rescued three of our fellow citizens from harm.  That is a sign of pure heart.  And so, we shall give them a chance and let them live alongside us.  As for you squad members, I am hoping to see the best out of all of you, and any fellow members of your society that you wish to invite.  But remember, any new visitors must be approved by me first.”

“We won’t let you down sir,” said Kyle while his fellow teammates nodded in agreement.

“Very well then,” said Roger who turned back to the crowd, “and with that ladies and gentlemen, our meeting is now adjourned.”

The crowd cheered and dispersed.  From their home, Phineas and Ferb saw that the squad was accepted.  “Cool,” said Phineas, “they’ve been accepted.  This is gonna be awesome.”

“I sure am glad you got acquainted with them boys,” said Linda.

“Me too,” said Lawrence Fletcher, the father of the family, “those people seem to be quite the marvelous group of friends you’ve made.”

Candace on the other hand, was suspicious.  “I’m watching those guys,” she muttered quietly.

Back at City Hall, the squad gathered around as Atom said, “well done everyone.  With that mission complete, I’m heading back to HQ to report our status to our fellow colleagues.  Donkey, Speedy are you ready?”

“Ready boss,” replied Donkey.

“Wait, you’re not staying with us,” asked Cassidy.

“Not really,” said Donkey, “I decided to go back to Dragon so we can help Shrek and Fiona on their honeymoon.  I’ve already had my rest back at Pride Rock, and now I’m ready for more action…still with no black and white though.”

“And I’m goin’ back with Atom to get better acquainted with the soldiers to ease their tensions with my main method of dealing with a crisis: singing,” said Speedy.

“And Kovu and I need to go back to Pride Rock and watch over the kingdom,” said Kiara before nuzzling with Kyle, “but I’ll be looking forward to seeing you again.  Do take care.”

Kyle blushed before hugging the lioness.  “You too Kiara,” said Kyle.

Zazu smiled and nodded, bidding the team goodbye and good luck.  “Let us know how things go on back in the kingdom from time to time,” said Simba.

“Will do Sire,” replied Zazu as he bowed before his king.

Rafiki patted Kyle on the back, wishing him luck on the vacation in Danville.  “Good luck my boy,” he said, “it is time.  Your journey continues.”

Atom, Donkey, Speedy, Kiara, Kovu, Rafiki and Zazu got in one of the Future Time Travel choppers and flew off, heading back to base.  The squad watched them fly off.  The only squad members left in Danville were now the squad founders, the Wubbzy Gang and Simba, Nala, Timon and Pumbaa.  “Well, off they go,” said Daizy, “the rest I suppose is up to us.”

“That’s right,” said Widget, “with all of us together, we can get through anything.”

“Yes, yes, yes,” added Walden, “I’m curious to see how things work out for us here.”

“Nala and I are staying so that we can keep an eye on things with you guys,” said Simba, “though we’re looking forward to what’s gonna happen.”

“Me too,” said Kyle, “we’ve now been accepted into this society everyone.  Our next objective is to get well acquainted with as many people as we can, so that they’re used to our presence.  We still have some time before summer begins, but for now, it’s time we got ourselves ready for what we’ve been waiting for.”

And so, with the Danville community having accepted the team, the FT Squad began preparations for their summer.  Kyle introduced his teammates to Phineas, Ferb and their family.  They got to meet Linda and Lawrence and get well acquainted with them.  Candace was still skeptical about their presence, but gave in when she found out they’ll be spending time in Danville for the summer, much to her chagrin.  As for damages around the city during the chase, the squad helped with repairs, such as around the construction zone and the perfume department.  Alex, grateful for the squad rescuing his wife, gave the team an organized tour of the city so that no one would get lost.  This information proved very crucial for the squad.  As for a place to stay, the Alpha Star was parked on a hillside, half a mile from the suburbs.  This was where most of the squad agreed to stay for the summer.  As for Kyle though, he was allowed to reside in Phineas and Ferb’s house for the summer, as a reward for looking out for the two boys.  Kyle accepted this, though he would check in with his teammates from time to time.  With all this, the squad was all set for the long awaited break from their adventures.  Kyle looked out on his teammates preparing the Alpha Star for the long stay and felt pride.  “Danville vacation, here we come.”
Here we are, part 6, the final part of "New Realm Travel."

The squad unites together to help Phineas and Ferb, and in doing so, might make an impact on the Danville people.

With this original story complete, the story arc with the first two "Madagascar" films is complete and I now have an open door to the TV Series crossover "The FT Squad's Adventures With Phineas and Ferb."  I've been looking forward to this for a while, but it's still going to be tough because not only is it going to take a long time, but I also have a few "Chronicles" adventures, and a few more original stories in between.  In addition, college is still slamming on me, but I'm getting through it.  I can also get back to drawings now that I'm finished.  Stay tuned for more FT Squad action as the series continues later this year.

The FT Squad characters, Commander Atom, Kendall, Alexander and Erica Grolet copyrighted to me

Phineas and Ferb and The Lion King characters copyrighted to Disney

Wow Wow Wubbzy characters copyrighted to Bob Boyle

Madagascar characters and Donkey from "Shrek" copyrighted to Dreamworks Animation
© 2015 - 2024 kylgrv
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HeavyHitterConnor's avatar
Well, thank goodness they got through that one.